Admission for the Session 2025-26 has started. Please visit the school office for more details or submit the Admission Enquiry Form on the website.

General School Rules

  • Be punctual, report to school and class on time. School begins at 8:00 a.m. If a student arrives in school after 8:00 he/she needs to report to the office to receive an admit/tardy slip. Students are discouraged from coming to school prior to 7:30 a.m. because of lack of adult supervision.
  • Strive to be present every school day. In case of absence, parents should call the school in the morning of the absence and notify the teacher in writing upon the student’s return to school.
  • Respect each other at all times. Disagreements will be settled by discussing the problem and seeking a solution that is fair to all concerned.
  • Buildings and the campus will be kept clean and neat. Do not deface or damage school property. Students who vandalize the school property will make restitution.
  • Maintain order when moving to different areas. Do not run; running is a frequent cause of injuries.
  • Remain within school boundaries at all times. Students leaving the campus must have a Student Pass and must be accompanied by a parent/guardian. (Leaving campus without consent is a Class C offense, prohibited by DOE Rules).
  • Avoid using abusive or profane language and gestures. (Disorderly Conduct, a Class B offense).
  • Respect the property rights of others.
  • Leave the premises immediately after school duties/responsibilities are completed.

Admission Procedure

All applicants have to register with the A.M.N.M.M. School to be considered for the admission which is then done through an Entrance Test (CET/SAT). The registration form is a tearout leaflet in the Prospectus. To appear for the test, the duly filled registration form along with the requisite fee and the birth certificate issued by local municipal corporation should be submitted to the School.

After scrutinizing the application form, a letter of confirmation of registration mentioning the registration number is sent to the required address by the School. The registration fee details can be obtained from the School office or online. The registration fee is nonrefundable. This amount can be paid either in cash or by a bank draft drawn in favour of Principal, the AMNMM School. ‘Payable at Varanasi. Cheques are not accepted.  The registration is valid for two consecutive attempts at the common Entrance Test.

For admission to be granted in classes play group (Age 2+), Nursery – U.K.G. (Age 3-5 years), Ist – Vth (Age 6-10 years), VI, VII, VIII, IX, the applicant should not be more than eleven/twelve/thirteen/fourteen years of age respectively as on 1st of April of the year, in which the admission are sought. New girls are admitted only at the beginning of the Holi term (April).

Girls are not permitted to remain in school after completion of their 18 years or after failure in any class for two consecutive years. They will also have to leave the school on failing the public examination at Class X or Class XII level.

The Common Entrance Test (CET) is conducted during the month of January every year for admission in New Session starting April. The admit card for the test is sent only after the school has received all the required documents, duly filled, along with the CET fee. The students are tested in English, Hindi, Mathematics, Science, Social & General in a written examination for 1 hour each.

The list of finally selected students is prepared on the basis of the marks of written test. A medical fitness certificate in the prescribed format is a necessary requirement.

The candidates not offered admission may take another attempt the following year provided the registration is not cancelled either by the parent or the School. A maximum of only two consecutive attempts are permitted.

The school reserves to make changes in the schedule and procedure from time to time.

The school  conducts a formal interview of the children & their parent.

The school reserves the right to reject or admit any candidate not with standing the rules and norms mentioned in this School book.

The school has always been sensitive towards and supportive of education for students from the Economically Weaker Sections of Society and will continue to remain committed to the cause.

Dress Code

Girls (For Nursery to XII) Summer:

From Monday to Friday

  • Brown Full Pants with Full Shirt (Compulsory till Class V)
  • Cream shirt half sleeves with collar
  • Brown pleated skirt with gallace (for Nur. To II)
  • Brown pleated skirt (for III to XII)
  • Black leather shoes, Brown socks
  • Tie and Belt

Girls (For Nursery to XII) Winter:

From Monday to Friday

  • Brown Full Pants with Full Shirt (Compulsory till Class V)
  • Brown full pant with full shirt
  • Brown Blazer
  • Black Leather shoes, Brown socks
  • Black Ribbon (for class II to XII)
  • Tie and Belt
  • Salwar of Brown, Kurta of Cream Color, Beige Color Leggings (For XI & XII)

Boys (For Nursery to V) Summer:

From Monday to Friday

  • Brown Full Pants with Full Shirt (Compulsory till Class V)
  • Cream half sleeves shirt
  • Brown half pant with gallace (for Nur. To II)
  • Brown half pant (for III to V)
  • Black leather shoes with laces
  • Brown socks, Tie Belt

Boys (For Nursery to V) Winter:

From Monday to Friday

  • Brown Full Pants with Full Shirt (Compulsory till Class V)
  • Cream full sleeves shirt
  • V- Neck pullover of Brown Colour and Brown full pant
  • Black leather shoes with laces
  • Brown socks, Tie Belt

Girls & Boys (Only Saturday)

  • Track Suit (House wise from Nur. To XII)
  • White PT Shoes with white socks


No Student will be allowed to attend school if they are not in proper school uniform. The colour & stitch should match with the original school uniform.